Mountain Rescue
Now there’s me thinking that Baby Shark was just an annoying song. However, it turns out it can save lives…
Today, Mr Ryan very kindly came in to teach children all about mountain rescue. We looked at:
The Recovery Position
The ABC’s of checking someone (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)
How to bandage a broken leg, arm and wound
Performing CPR
This hands on experience really demonstrated to children the importance of: preparation and being resourceful when climbing a mountain. It has also taught them valuable skills which, one day, could potentially save a life.
I would like to personally thank Mr Ryan for all of his help today. The children had a blast and learnt a great deal! He has also kindly sent me a link in case any of your children would like to continue learning about being a paramedic.
I hope you all enjoyed the slings and bandages (apologies if you ended up looking mummified).
Lenni loved this today thank you
Important skills to have. The children all look so pleased, Thank you Mr Ryan.
We now have a fully stocked first aid of bandages as Ellie Belle wanted to practice and bandage ya all up! Thank you, she really can put a bandage on well so great tuition!
It was really fun learning before the safety skills