
Officially Year 3!

Well today has flown by! Time certainly does fly by when you’re having fun!

We started off with colouring name tags, completing a class name wordsearch and had a very much needed catch up via ‘News Time’! It was so lovely to hear the children speak into the microphone and share what they had been up to!

Of course once establishing our new class rules and introducing the many rewards on offer in Year 3, the children definitely deserved a brain break (in the shape of ‘Soup Ninja Human Bopit’!) before taking a moment to think about achievements they are proud of so far in their lives! A lovely start to the day.

After break, the children took part in a ‘Place Value’ maths hunt where they chose to work in pairs or independently around the school. They did an awesome job!

To start the afternoon, we read the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ which is all about understanding our feelings and what they might mean to us. We then got our aprons on and painted (with cotton buds) our very own Colour Monster – they look fab!

Finally, it was time for a quick story time, outside in the shade, before Mr Mason’s assembly.

This really is just a snapshot of all the things we have been up to today, but I am so proud of the resilience you all showed during your first day of Year 3 – it’s going to be a great year ahead, I just know it!

I am sure you will sleep well tonight Year 3 and I look forward to seeing you in the morning for our second super day in Year 3!

Miss Hutton πŸ™‚




11 comments on “Officially Year 3!

  1. Molly Foster says:

    Aww hope everyone had a great day!

  2. We did thank you Molly πŸ™‚

  3. Sophie Murray says:

    Thank you Miss Hutton. George has had a super day. He says he’s enjoyed every single part of it!

  4. So pleased to hear George enjoyed himself πŸ™‚

  5. Lucy Desmond - Weeks says:

    Thank you Miss Hutton! Ostin was a little chatter box at the gates this afternoon, he said how lovely his new teacher was & really enjoyed his first day. πŸ™‚

  6. So pleased to hear that Ostin enjoyed his first day in Year 3 πŸ™‚

  7. A great start to the new term, love the photos!

  8. Darcy really enjoyed her first day back,Thank you πŸ˜€

  9. Lovely to hear that Darcy enjoyed her first day back πŸ™‚

  10. Beth (Mila’s mum) says:

    Looks like a great day back in year 3!

  11. We sure did! πŸ™‚

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