
Outdoor Art!

We’ve been keeping an eye on the weather in Year 5, and twice this week we’ve managed to get out into our amazing outdoor spaces to explore Land Art.

So, what is Land Art? we learnt that:

“Land art or earth art is art that is made directly in the landscape, by sculpting materials or making structures in the landscape using natural materials such as rocks, twigs and other natural materials.”

We discussed how Land Art could be anything, from a sand sculpture to an abstract installation made of twigs. As long it’s made from natural materials from the nearby land! We also learnt that Land Art is usually temporary, relying on people enjoying it in the moment, and documenting it with photos and sketches.

Using only natural resources from our local outdoor environments, such as the garden, the fields and the woodland walk, Year 5 have been working in groups to practise building abstract sculptures. From small and dainty to big and mighty, the class have worked together to make some really interesting structures in preparation for their final pieces next week. Not only are we lucky to have so much amazing nature at our disposal in the SPS grounds, we’re also extremely lucky to have such a creative and collaborative class! They all seemed to love these sessions; everyone got fully involved. Well done Year 5, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next week!

Dan 🙂

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