
Perfect Square

We discovered a fantastic story this week, to help us with our mathematics focus of exploring shapes. The story is called Perfect Square. Head over to our home learning page on Friday where you will find a link to the story.

We started by talking about what happens to the square on his adventure. The square was cut, torn, crumpled and shaped to create these pictures: A fountain, some flowers, a park, a bridge, the sea and a mountain.


Then we each chose a different coloured square and created our own version of the square’s adventure. We used scissors to cut, hands and fingers to tear, hole punches and glue to make these amazing creations. Look out for an invitation to our art exhibition next week where you will see our squares.

Here is a gallery of our artwork:

To enhance our classroom provision this week, we added lots of provocations to explore this even further, manipulating and moving shapes in lots of different contexts.

We even played a copycat game where we had to copy the shape picture made by our partner.




One comment on “Perfect Square

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    This is so sweet, thank you so much!! What a wonderful idea!!

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