
Plants and peas continued…

The children have nearly reached the end of the ‘Plant Parts’ project and have been fantastic scientists and artists throughout.

Last week, we spent some time looking really closely at a variety of small plants (kindly lent to us by the gardening club) and identified those with rough and smooth margins, those with lobed, palmate or simple leaf shapes and also discussed the texture of the leaves. The children loved using magnifying glasses to get a really good close up peek at the plants which enabled them to put their new vocabulary to the test.

We then put our artists ‘hats’ on and did some beautiful observation drawings of leaves. We chose to use pen for these drawings so the children were really sure of every mark before they made it.  This led to some brilliant pictures being produced.

On Friday, we finished the week with some watercolour painting. This was the first time some of the children had uses the watercolours and they loved them. As you can see, they were all tremendously proud of their paintings. I was so impressed with the amount of detail they all included and some fantastic colour mixing was taking place too.

Finally, here is an update on the pea plants. Quite a few have now sprouted and will be making their way home to you soon!

One comment on “Plants and peas continued…

  1. Liam has loved this topic! Thank you so much.

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