As part of our Plant Parts topic, we have been busy planting some pea plants of our own. We talked about the different things that plants need in order to grow strong and healthy. All the children were excited to get their peas planted and we’re looking forward to seeing how the seeds develop into small plants.
We are also learning about the different leaf shapes. Today we enjoyed collecting a variety of different leaves and comparing their appearance. Some of the adjectives the children used included; spiky, smooth, bumpy, prickly, floppy, firm and slippery. Everyone was then able to make some beautiful leaf rubbings of the different shaped leaves. This was our favourite part of the afternoon as everyone’s rubbing came out brilliantly.
Tomorrow we will be learning some new scientific vocabulary relating the leaf shapes. The children are really enjoying this topic and lots have been telling us that they are growing their own plants at home. What a green-fingered little bunch!