
Publishing our very own front covers…

As part of out Computing project this week, the children looked at ‘text’ and ‘images’ and thought about how they need to be used carefully to communicate messages clearly. We also discussed the advantages of using text, images, or both text and images together to communicate messages effectively.

As the children had just finished writing their own ‘defeat the baddie’ stories, we thought it would be a fun idea to design their own front covers to go with their own story. First, they drew their design on paper, before learning how to use ‘Google Docs’ to ‘publish’ their designs.  The children made careful choices about their choice of font, the sizing of their font and their colour choices. They also learnt how to search the internet for an image that they then inserted to their front cover. 

It really was such a fun couple of afternoons and the children grasped these skills very quickly! You’ll see from the pictures below how fab their front covers really looked! 

Well done, Year 3!

Have a brilliant Easter break. 

Miss Hutton 🙂


One comment on “Publishing our very own front covers…

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    We have heard all about Ostins story & making his own front cover. He has loved every minute. Thank you for another fab term in Year 3, Happy Easter 🐥

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