Return to school
All children should:
- wear clean clothes every day – not school uniform. Government recommendations are that children change out of these clothes as soon as they get home
- wear a hat to school as we plan to be outside as much as possible. Suncream should be applied before school
- only bring a snack, a water bottle and a packed lunch (or have ordered a meal)- no bags please
- bring all reading books back with their reading record
- bring back their Chromebook (and lead) if they have borrowed one.
- bring their inhaler if they have one
Year 6
Class: Turtles
Teacher: Mr Smith
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wallis
Classroom: Year 6
Drop-off: 8.30-8.45am. Please don’t be early or late.
Drop-off point: Children to walk up to Unit 3 and enter through the class fire door.
Please note there is a one-way route in operation at drop-off time. Everyone should enter by the front pedestrian gate and leave through the KS2 pedestrian gate (staff will be available to guide you).
Collection: 2.45pm.
Collection point: Please wait on the pavement outside school by the KS2 pedestrian gate. Children will be brought to you.
Class: Dolphins
Teacher: Mr Prior
Classroom: Year 5
Drop-off: 8.30-8.45am. Please don’t be early or late.
Drop-off point: Children to walk up to Unit 3 and enter through the main doors. Please note there is a one-way route in operation at drop-off time. Everyone should enter by the front pedestrian gate and leave through the KS2 pedestrian gate.
Collection: 2.45pm
Collection point: Please wait on the pavement outside school by the front pedestrian gate. Children will be brought to you. Please make sure you maintain 2m distance from everyone else.
Year 1
Class: Seahorse
Teacher: Miss Curtis
Teaching Assistant: Mr Bell
Classroom: Year 3
Drop-off: 8.45-9.00am. Please don’t be early or late
Drop-off point: Enter through front gate. Miss Curtis will be in the lower playground by the ramp to collect children. Please leave through the KS2 pedestrian gate.
Collection: 2.30pm
Collection: Please wait on the pavement outside the front pedestrian gate. Children will be brought to you.
Key Workers: Rainbow Fish
Class: Rainbow Fish 1 (for Key Stage 1 children)
Teacher: Mrs Trimmer (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Hill (Wednesday, Thursday. Friday)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Symonds, Miss Khan
Classroom: Year 4
Drop-off: from 8.30am
Drop-off point: School office (main school entrance)
Collection: when ready
Collection point: School office
Class: Rainbow Fish 2 (for Key Stage 2 children)
Teacher: Mr Price
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Walkinshaw, Mrs Harris, Miss Khan
Teaching areas: Hall and Reception class
Drop-off: from 8.30am
Drop-off point: School office (main school entrance)
Collection: when ready
Collection point: School office
Class: Lobster
Teacher: Mrs Wood
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Kench
Classroom: Year 1
Drop-off: 9.00-9.15am. Please don’t come before this time.
Drop-off point: Mrs Wood will meet children by the tyres opposite the Unit 1 steps.
Collection: 2.15pm
Collection: Please wait on the pavement outside the pedestrian gate at the front of school. Children will be brought to you.
Class: Shrimps
Teacher: Mrs Murray/Mrs Clark
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jones
Classroom: Year 2
Drop-off: 9.00-9.15am. Please don’t come before this time.
Drop-off point: Unit 1 steps.
Collection: 2.15pm
Collection: Please wait on the pavement outside the KS2 pedestrian gate (not the one at the front of school). Children will be brought to you.