
Running RIOT!

Running RIOT!


You would think that we wouldn’t have many children attending Fitness Thursday this week due to the football being on so late last night. Well, think again! Our pupils are a resilient bunch who turn up without fail. This week, we were Running RIOT on the playground as children from Reception all the way up to Year 6 completed as many laps of our playground as possible. To make matters even more fun, we incorporated our brand new slide into the course in order to give the children added motivation to run!

With ‘It’s Coming Home’ blasting out of the DJ Express and children making healthy choices before the start of the school day, who wouldn’t be impressed!?

Special thanks to the Bronze Ambassadors for marking out the course with cones and for monitoring the slide. Many thanks to Mr. Frampton who kindly captured the action on his camera. You’ll notice that a certain someone couldn’t help himself and chose to also have a go on our new slide…


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