This morning we entered school as regular Year 3 children and boarded our coach to Dorchester. But when we disembarked 15 minutes later we had transformed into archaeologists bound for our first ever ‘dig’ complete with high vis jackets and our trusty trowels.
Did you know that a lot of archaeological artefacts can be found from around burial sites? Carefully, we removed layers of earth surrounding two skeletons to reveal Roman artefacts that were buried with a wealthy lady and a businessman. A walk around the Roman part of the museum confirmed what the artefacts were: clay pots, oil lamps, strigils, money, keys, necklaces.
And the mosaics. WOW. Made with hundreds of tessera (black, red and white mostly). Not quite wall to wall carpet but beautiful intricate patterns and pictures.
After a very quick lunch and visit to the shop we were met by two Roman soldiers who marched us up to the only remaining part of the Roman wall that surrounded Durnovaria and then to the town house where we had some training in how to form a shield wall and the testudo. We put the testudo to the test against a band of savage barbarians wielding ‘bean bags’ and we’re happy to report that the testudo did its job.
The town house is spectacular and gave us an insight into how a wealthy Roman family’s lifestyle, complete with its own hypocaust, glass windows, mosaics, slaves quarters and atrium.
Enjoy our pictures.
Zachary absolutely loved this trip! Thank you to all involved 😁
The trip was amazing I loved it so much I want to go again now.