
Southill vs Bincombe

Southill vs Bincombe


It was time for the girls’ team to grace the football pitch as they faced Bincombe away from home. The weather was incredibly hot, however the team were keen to get going and put what they had learnt in training into practise…

In the early stages, Southill tried to keep the ball on the floor with the intention of passing and moving the ball up the pitch. It soon became apparent however that this would not be possible due to the exceptionally long grass! Bincombe, being the home team, adapted quicker to the tricky terrain and found themselves 2-0 to the good after 15 minutes of play. Chance after chance fell to the feet of our midfielders and striker, but the ball just wouldn’t make its way into the back of the net as the children just could not get a clean strike of the ball! Our perseverance was however rewarded just before half time. A long ball over the top by Josie (our player of the match) fell to the feet of Iyla who calmly slotted the ball past the stranded goalkeeper.

Determined to find the equaliser, Southill showed real grit and steel in the second half. We were winning the ball back and playing long balls over the top of Bincombe’s defenders which seemed to work better on the pitch we were playing on. The post was struck twice and the ball whistled wide of the post on more than one occasion. Pushing higher up the pitch did however mean we were a little more exposed at the back and this resulted in Bincombe scoring two more goals in the closing stages making the final score:

Bincombe 41 Southill 


There were however so many positives to take out of the game today. The children did not give up despite the score line, the long grass and the scorching sun. We were also playing a team of Year 6’s whereas our team consisted of children from years 3-6. On the balance of play however, you wouldn’t have thought there was any difference in their age at all!

A huge thank you to the girls for trying their absolute best despite the pitch. I really hope you enjoyed the game. Thank you to everybody who helped transport the children safely over to Bincombe. Special thanks to those who came and cheered on the team after school today and thank you to Carly for the half time oranges.

Mr. Prior

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