
Sports Day and Science

Hello all!

What another wonderful week in year 2! The sun has been shining and we have enjoyed being able to use our school grounds for a fantastic sports day and a science exploration afternoon.
Thank you firstly to all the parents who came to cheer on all the children in the different events.  It was great to see you all smiling and enjoying seeing your children in action.  Even though it was very warm the children, and some of the adults (!) enjoying being sprayed with water by Andrea throughout the afternoon! Congratulations to Rosie Edward’s for her resilience – when the going got a bit tough she took a short breather and then carried on to support her team – well done Rosie! Also, the reciprocity certificate went to Dylan for cheering on all the children, and not just the ones in his team! Great job!
The new science topic of Habitats began this week and the children have enjoyed learning about woodland habitats as well as well as learning the definitions of living things, non-living things and things that are dead that used to be living.  We had a walk around the school garden and playground having very detailed discussions!

Have a lovely rest of the week, into the weekend.
The year 2 team.

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