
St Ives Day Two

It has been a brilliant second day here in St Ives. We started the morning with breakfast and making our packed lunches for the day and even had some time to play some board games before we headed out for our big art adventure!

The day was split into two sessions: a visit to the Leach Pottery where the children had the opportunity to design and create their own clay tile inspired by the sea. We look forward to receiving these in the post! We also learnt all about Bernard Leach, the founder of Leach Pottery, and saw the equipment that he used back in the 1960s.

The second session involved us visiting the Tate St Ives where we walked around the gallery and the children were encouraged to decide what they liked and disliked about the artwork. We even saw a piece of art made out of cheese! After our visit to the Tate, we went to the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden to learn about the life of Barbara Hepworth and see some of her sculptures.

Sadly, our boat ride was cancelled this evening due to it being fairly windy in St Ives so we took a stroll to the beach to play lots of games! The children had a great time playing in the sand, digging holes and playing football! We have ended the evening with a delicious dinner and pudding and we are all chilling out before we head to bed.

We are all really looking forward to our beach day tomorrow!





5 comments on “St Ives Day Two

  1. Abby Matthews says:

    How inspiring! Lovely to see these pics, thank you. Hope you’re all having a brilliant time, enjoy the beach tomorrow! 😀

  2. Looks like another fab day, thanks so much for taking the time to post.
    Shame the boat trip was cancelled, will it be rearranged?

  3. Another fabulous day full of great art! Looking forward to seeing the tiles!

  4. Becca Sanderson says:

    Another busy, sunny day for them! Great photos again, thanks for keeping us up-to-date with their adventures. Cant wait to see Izzy’s tile once it’s finished.

  5. becci dight year 6 !!!! says:

    day 2 was amazing

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