
Stormbreak – Hope and Optimism

Stormbreak – Hope and Optimism


In our Stormbreak session this week, we focused on ‘Hope and Optimism’. This involved having a positive outlook on life. The children began by answering the question: ‘What you do you want to be when you grow up?‘ We had a wide range of answers … a vet, a teacher, a nurse, a professional footballer and even a show-jumper.

I then asked the children to think of this question in a different way; rather than an occupation, what kind of person would they like to be. This followed by watching the opening to ‘The Boy, The Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ which is a truly magical tale inspired by the book written by Charlie Mackery. The character’s answer within this story to the very same question was simply … ‘kind’.  What a powerful lesson.

We then explored other possible answers to this question and, I’m sure you’ll agree, the children came up with some brilliant ideas!

BBC iPlayer – The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse


Mr. Prior


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