SUBheading in the right direction
In our writing lesson today, the children were tasked with working in pairs or groups of three and were required to organised and structure a wide range of facts about trolls. They needed to identify what subheadings they could use, what sentences would be used in the introduction and what they would need to use for the conclusion. How they chose to do this was entirely up to them!
Using sugar paper, some of the children cut out all of the facts and moved them into position whilst other groups chose to write out the facts under appropriate subheadings. Mrs Murray and I were blown away with the resilience and reciprocity on show in the lesson and the children were able to successfully structure the facts into an information text.
We concluded by talking about how subheadings are so useful for helping us find information quickly. In fact, most non-fiction books have subheadings in order to help us find fascinating facts fast!
Well done, Year 4! A thoroughly enjoyable lesson indeed.
Mr. Prior