
Sun, Shadows and a Science lesson to remember

Sun, Shadows and a Science lesson to remember


This afternoon, we continued to learn about all things space. In fact, it was our penultimate lesson on Earth and Space before we move onto some more super subjects. This afternoon, we began by recapping everything we have learnt so far during our science afternoons. Let me tell you…Year 5 seem to know everything there IS to know about space!

In today’s lesson, the children were faced with a scientific investigation…How and why do our shadows change during the day? The children needed to make predictions as to when shadows appear longer and shorter but more importantly…why?

After noting down their ideas, the children then grabbed a torch, we turned off the lights and they used an opaque object in order to determine whether their predictions were in fact correct. The children then sketched out a diagram showing what happens to our shadows at each part of the day.

At the end of the lesson, we wheeled out the ‘Misconception Buster’. We talked about how we moved the light source and whether or not the sun does the same in our solar system. The children were very quick to explain that it is the Earth that is in fact rotating on its axis as it orbits the sun…NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

Well done Year 5. Another stupendous science lesson!




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