
Super Singing Assemblies!

“Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.”

We love singing at Southill! It’s delightful to see how we’ve truly become a singing school. Not only is it the best way to improve in all areas of musical learning, it’s also fantastic for your mental and physical health.

Each Tuesday afternoon we finish the day with a singing assembly. This swaps between KS1 and KS2 each half term. As well as using the time to learn some great songs and enjoy a singalong, it’s also proved to be a very helpful time-slot to rehearse the music for our Nativity and Shakespeare productions. I wanted to share with you some highlights from singing assemblies this year:

KS2: Cover Me in Sunshine (Pink) 

KS1: Three Little Birds (Bob Marley) 

I encourage you all to sing at home and everywhere you go! We’re really looking forward to more Singing assemblies this term.


Mr Bell

One comment on “Super Singing Assemblies!

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    Thank you so much for this.. The little reception children bopping, too cute! My two LOVE a singing assembly and they are ALWAYS singing these two songs. It’s become a thing in our house, we are all singing them. Thank you Mr Bell!!

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