
The New England Squad

This year lots of the children in year 1 have taken a real interest in the Euros Football competition which we have been following in class. It is great to see so many children getting involved and feeling inspired about being active and trying something new!!

This week in PE we followed the football theme. The children started off in pairs with some simple passing and stopping the ball activities. We then moved onto moving with the ball and learning how to dribble – this can be quite tricky as it is hard to make sure you are looking up where you are going and not down at the ball!! We then had a bit of time to practice our shooting skills in our house teams.

For the last part of the lesson we put our new skills into practice and played some mini matches.

I was SO impressed with how reciprocally the children worked together. It was great to see them cheering on their teammates and encouraging them to have a go at shooting! I am really proud of all of the year 1 children for being so resilient and such great team members!

Well done year 1. Another brilliant week!!!


One comment on “The New England Squad

  1. Brilliant effort we could do with a new striker for the euros

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