
Tiny, perfect things

What an amazing year we have had together. Every child in our class has been a pleasure to work with and we are so proud of the progress they have made.

To celebrate this, we shared one of my favourite books – Tiny, perfect things. This book encourages us to slow down and look at the beautiful things around us.

After sharing the story, we were all given a special tiny jar for collecting tiny treasures. We took them outside to see what we could find. It was surprising how many beautiful things we found. There were grasses, twigs, seeds, feathers, pieces of moss and petals in many different colours.

Here we are being nature detectives:

We brought our treasures inside to talk about, then we decorated our special jars. We are very excited because we get to take our jars home and keep them! We could use them during the summer break!

Thanks for being amazing Reception class!

2 comments on “Tiny, perfect things

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    Thank you to the most wonderful teachers ever!! I cannot thank you enough for all of your help support and guidance to not only Belle this year but also Ostin three years ago. You are two very special ladies and all of the children you teach are so so lucky to have you. We will miss you lots. I am so sad I won’t have anymore littles coming into your warm friendly classroom. We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful summer . Love from Lucy , Ant, Ostin and of course Belle x x x

  2. Sophie and Jonny Murray says:

    We’d like to echo the very wise words of Mrs Desmond-Weeks and say a huge thank you to you Mrs Puddick and Mrs Kench for such a fantastic year. Eddie has grown in confidence and ability and that’s down to you guys. You have provide a safe, happy, nurturing environment where he’s felt secure, valued and safe to be himself. You are both truly amazing and we are very grateful. Have a fabulous summer.

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