
Water, water, everywhere!

Water, water, everywhere! What an exciting week exploring water. We used our new water cascade outside, as well as our deep water tray and some shallow trays too.

We explored how to transport water to the top of the cascade to fill it up, then open the gates to create the cascade. We had to wear our wellies!

In our water tray, we enjoy mixing, scooping and pouring using different containers and scoops.

Mrs Puddick added rose petals to our other trays – scooping and making potions!

2 comments on “Water, water, everywhere!

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    Thank you for another fab week in reception! I love the rose petal water !!

  2. Sophie Murray says:

    We love the new cascade! Thanks Mrs Puddick and Mrs Kench. Eddie loves water play and enjoyed making bridges and dams with the water chutes at the Eden project during half term.

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