
We are GOLD for School Games 2023/4!

Southill Primary DID IT AGAIN – today we received the wonderful news that we’ve been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark for 2023/4!

Woo hoo!  This is an outstanding achievement and a really great way to conclude our epic year of Southill sporting achievements.  The School Games Mark is a Government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.  Schools in England are able to achieve bronze, silver and gold levels across the scheme – we are delighted to once again be awarded gold.

Our local School Games Organiser stated that Southill provided … ‘fantastic support to engage all the children with physical activity.  So much being implemented and great passion displayed by the staff.  A clear understanding of the importance of inclusive physical activity for all pupils’


Being an active school has significant benefits, including sharing many fun and rewarding experiences extended within our school community.  Here at Southill Primary, we enjoy a diverse selection of clubs, competitions, sports festivals, Fitness Thursdays, a FRideday BikeBus, Healthy Selfies, The Daily Mile, Sports Weeks, Stormbreak movement sessions, unique outdoor adventures on residentials/school trips and we nurture a team of keen Bronze Ambassadors who help to plan, organise and run many of our sporting activities. We’ve also made use of Sports Premium Expenditure in order to provide specialist equipment and excellent opportunities for our pupils to be recognised.

We’d like to thank our pupils for their enthusiasm, team spirit and have-a-go attitude when it comes to all aspects of sport, to our staff for their time, focus and dedication, our school community for joining us weekly at themed events, to the families who run our popular FRideday BikeBus (and Paul Mason for his expert encouragement) and to our very own Tom Prior, Curriculum Lead for PE, for his commitment in delivering such a fun, purposeful and varied timetable of activities with plenty of opportunities for all.  We’re fortunate to have the expertise of such a dedicated and inspiring lead; working hard to continuously evolve our ‘school games’ with a clear investment in our pupils.


We’re feeling VERY proud!  Here’s a selection of sporting photos and videos throughout the last year.  Another trophy for our cabinet …


One comment on “We are GOLD for School Games 2023/4!

  1. Sarah wolfe says:

    Once again,wonderful, happy children. Great achievements for the staff and children and all the parents,carers and helpers. We’ll done and thank you one and all. Our grandparents so fortunate to be a part of this. The time spent in such a positive and enthusiastic environment will surely carry with them through life.

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