
Caroline’s blog

Wow! That was a cracking week – our first full week back. Children have done so well to settle to new routines and get started with their learning.

I’ve got lots to tell you about this week …

Home Learning – There will be no home learning this week. As a team, we are thinking about making some changes to Home Learning especially spellings. It causes a lot of anxiety for a lot of children and we want to think about a better way. If you have any thoughts about this please email me.

Ice Cream Fridays – this is a lovely treat for children and families on Fridays and we’d like to keep it going through the year with different treats. I’d be very grateful for some help. If you’re able to help me out each week please let me know.

FOSS – Our PTA is incredible and offer so many brilliant events for our children and their families, raising money for the school and contributing to our curriculum, environment and events. We’d be lost without them. However, we have some spaces this year and we really need some new members. You don’t need to commit to coming to meetings or to every event. You could do as much or as little as you like. If you’re interested, please get in touch.

School Travel Awards – We’re proud of our enrichment curriculum and the opportunities we offer for children’s personal development. A big part of how we do this is through our trips and residentials programme. I’m thrilled to be able to tell you that our London residential has been shortlisted for the UK’s best school trip! Find out more. 

Governors’ Challenge – there’s still time to complete the challenge and return your sponsorship money. A huge thank you to all the children and families who took part. We’ll let you know the amount raised as soon as we can.

Celebration Assemblies – These will still be on Fridays afternoons but from the earlier time of 2.30pm. Your child may bring in certificates for achievements out of school (swimming, gymnastics etc.) and each week we’ll be celebrating super learning and stormbreaking. If your child is going to receive an award in Friday’s assembly you will get an invitation to come along.

Attendance – This week alone I have received 13 requests totalling 42 days of absence. Being at school every day is so important because it helps children in so many ways –

  • Academic Success: Regular attendance ensures that children participate in continuous learning, which is essential for understanding and mastering subjects.
  • Social Development: Being present in school helps children build important social skills and relationships with their peers and teachers.
  • Consistent Routine: Attending school regularly helps children establish a stable routine, which is beneficial for their overall wellbeing and discipline.
  • Future Opportunities: Consistent attendance sets a strong foundation for future education and career opportunities by instilling a sense of responsibility and commitment.

Please ensure your child is in school on time every day. Thank you.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Hopefully we’ll have some more lovely sunshine.





One comment on “Caroline’s blog

  1. George Birtwistle says:

    Whoahh!!! Caroline What a amazing blog📷 Ohh. Caroline/ Mrs wood I want you to know that my club is Drawing club Is that ok?? If your asking I don’t have paper…Anyways bye from yr 4 George B

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