
Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a great summer break. With the rain we have had this week, the summer feels a long time ago!

It’s wonderful to see all the children all together again. A big thank you to all families for making sure the children look super smart in their uniforms and had everything they need to feel happy and confident about coming back to school.

I have been so proud of everyone in how they have settled in and welcomed new friends and got stuck into their learning straight away.

I’m planning to do a weekly blog to keep you up to date on important news and dates etc. so please look out for this on the website each week.

Social media – Over the past few years we have been very fortunate to have employed Sadie Symonds as our media assistant and she has been responsible for our marketing and social media presence as well as many other things but unfortunately Sadie is no longer with us. Please check out the class blogs on the website each week – teachers work hard on these and we won’t be using Facebook so much for a while.

Parking issues – Please can I ask you to be considerate of the children’s safety and respectful to the local residents when parking around the school. Thank you.

Summer Reading Challenge – There’s still two more weeks to complete the challenge at Weymouth Library and it’s not even too late to sign up! I hope everyone has enjoyed taking part.

Wishing you a very happy weekend.




2 comments on “Welcome Back!

  1. Lucy Desmond - Weeks says:

    We hope you had the best first 2 days as our new Head Teacher. Ostin and Belle have loved being back and are very excited to see what the new assemblies will bring.

  2. Michelle Gammidge says:

    Hope you’ve had a great first week too

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