We’ve had a great week settling into year 2! The children have arrived back raring to go and ready to learn. We are so proud of how well they are settling into the new routines and expectations – becoming even more independent and resourceful learners. We’ve got lots set up this week. Our parrots are perched on the learning tree and lots of children have already earned themselves a move up for making great choices. We’re loving our new class novel ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’. Today we created some chalk art; drawing the characters from the story. We’ve done lots of Personal, Social and Emotional learning and created a fantastic class charter together. We know that working together we will achieve our best.
Welcome Back Year 2

Ostin has really enjoyed being back at school & he said his new teachers are nice and kind ☺️. Thank you for a lovely first week .
George has loved his first few days in Year 2. He’s been telling us all about the parrot tree and about the Giraffe, the Pelly and me. Thank you Mrs Clark, Miss Knight and Mrs Harris.