
Welcome to Year 5!

“I’m in Year Five GET ME OUT OF HERE!”


This afternoon, we had an epic time meeting our ‘new class’ as part of our transition session. I know the class really well already having taught them all year so we decided to have a tremendous amount of FUN instead. After talking about all the amazing things we can look forward to in Year 5, the class participated in, “I’m in Year Five Get Me Out of Here!”. The children were split into two camps (Red and Blue) and participated in a range of Bushtucker Trials, including a blind-tasting activity, a game called DUDE where eye contact was forbidden and Triple Artist which tested their ability to communicate and work as a team. It was so much fun and the children were fiercely competitive, overcoming their fears as they braved the food or drink put before them (despite not being able to see it). Take a look at our Year 5 campmates below…


Information about Year 5…

The first day back in the Autumn term is Thursday 5th September. Registration time for all classes is 8.45-8.55am. On the first day back, teaching staff will be in Unit 3 ready to greet children as they arrive and to support where necessary. After this, we encourage children to come in on their own so please drop them off in the playground and allow them to enter by themselves. Staff will be at hand to help.


Teaching staff arrangements for September will be as follows:


Reception: Mrs Puddick, Mrs Kench and Mrs Walkinshaw

Year 1: Mrs Clark (+ teacher TBC) and Mrs Harris

Year 2: Emily England and Emily Jones

Year 3: Andrea Warner-Lee and Matt Ryan

Year 4: Dan Bell, Matt Ryan and Sue Aitken

Year 5: Tom Prior and Mrs Murray

Year 6: Hayley Savage, Mrs Wallis and Kelly Harris


What will it be like in Year 5?


Year 5 is going to be an incredible year. Throughout this crucial stage, teachers and TA’s will be there to support all of the children in their learning, ensuring that we are meeting their individual needs whilst keeping the class integrated and open for all. We will continue to encourage the children to be responsible with their choices, ensuring fantastic relationships with their classmates and teaching staff. As they work through the year, as well as continuing their important journeys in reading, writing and maths, Year 5 pupils will be exposed to a brilliant range of topics across the curriculum, with lots of opportunity to get creative in all subjects. In PE in particular, we will be doing a broad range of sporting activities including gymnastics, netball, hockey and cricket!

There are great trips each term, but the most exciting one is our 3 day residential visit to Wye Valley in the summer term. It’s going to be an adventure of a lifetime as the children learn to become secret spies. This trip is inspired by Anthony Horowitz’s incredible thriller…Stormbreaker which we will read a class along with a whole host of other brilliant books.

It’s going to be a brilliant year and we’re all so excited to get started!


Reading and Maths 


Our class reading sessions begin every day from 8.45am and straight after the register, so it’s important that your child is here on time and has their reading book and Reading Record with them every day. Please also try to read as much and as often as you can with your child over the summer holidays, it really does make a huge difference to their success at school. The Summer Reading Challenge is running again via local libraries and is a really great way to help keep your child interested in reading over the holiday.

TT Rockstars continues to be a vital online platform which will  help pupils build up their confidence, recall and speed. You can log-on to TT Rockstars on any computer, tablet or smartphone, so please encourage your children to have regular sessions on this at home. Just 15 minutes per day will make a huge difference!


How do I pass on important information?


If you have any questions or concerns at any time we do hope that you will get in touch, just as we will contact you if necessary. There are regular opportunities to meet and discuss your child’s progress throughout the year, in addition to this you can email me at:

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to a really great year together in Year 5!

Tom Prior and Mrs. Murray


7 comments on “Welcome to Year 5!

  1. This was so fun thanks

  2. So fun.Lucas

  3. Melanie Beale says:

    Thank you Team- Eliza had the best day. She loved it – what fun!

  4. It was so fun 🤩

  5. Amy Besant says:

    What a great time I had that day I absolutely loved that day -Toby

  6. This was so fun the first transition day for year 5 was a blast,loved all of the games we played thank toy so much for the experience.lucas

  7. It was so fun mr prior made me chug coffee

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