
Welcome to Year 6!

Welcome back!

It was so lovely to see everyone coming into school yesterday morning with big smiles on their faces, ready to start the school year!

We spent the first day getting to know our timetable and our new classroom, learning new routines and making decorations for our pencil cases. We also spent some time discussing as a class our rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences for our Year 6 Class Agreement.

In Science, we started our new project ‘Living Things’ and we learnt all the different ways you can classifying and group animals. We discussed ne vocabulary such as vertebrates, invertebrates, omnivores and exoskeleton. We have also enjoyed reading our new class novel Holes.

Today ended with an assembly where Year 6 were very excited to sit on the benches – a popular Year 6 privilege!

Well done everybody, what a fantastic first two days in Year 6!

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