Today we learned about our stress buckets. Did you know we all have a stress bucket? We all experience stresses – they go into our bucket. It’s important not to let the bucket overflow – we have to turn on the taps to let the stress flow out.
We talked about some of the things that make us feel stressed –
- getting things wrong
- too many people talking at once
- being late for school or clubs
- not being able to sleep
- competitions and exams
- learning something new
- siblings annoying us
- fallouts with friends
Then we thought of ideas of things we could do to turn on the taps and let the stress flow out –
- riding a bike
- crafting
- laying down
- watching tv
- reading
- drinking some water
- counting
- taking deep breaths
- yoga
- chatting to a friend
- writing things down
- origami
You can have a go at this activity at home. It may really help you to manage your stress.
We also practised some finger breathing as an important technique for relieving stress.