
We’re all Ready for ROUNDERS!

We’re all Ready for ROUNDERS!


This half term, both Years 4 and 6 have been brushing up on their batting, bowling and fielding in an attempt to become better at rounders. To put our new skills to the test, Years 4 and 6 participated in two separate rounders matches against one another.

I must say, the standard was incredibly high. The Year 6’s batting was particularly impressive and the Year 4’s held their own, demonstrating the power of teamwork when fielding. It was an incredibly enjoyable afternoon of sport to witness and be part of.

After the scores were counted and verified, it was confirmed that Year 6 had won the contest, scoring a staggering 33 and a half rounders! Nevertheless, the attitude and effort displayed by all this afternoon was incredible. Miss Savage, Mrs. Murray and I were incredibly impressed with the children’s sportsmanship, ability and knowledge of the game.


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