What on EARTH are you up to…?
Well, I’m glad you’ve asked. This week, the children were introduced to their new topic Misty Mountain, Winding River. We began by establishing what the class already know and unpicking key vocabulary to ensure we get the most out of the topic.
This afternoon, the children were introduced to Google Earth and my word did we have fun! The children learnt how the website worked and then had the freedom to explore the Earth from the comfort of the classroom. From football stadiums to the pyramids in Ancient Egypt, their house to the very top of Everest, the children found the website fascinating. Once they had understood how to use and navigate Google Earth, children were tasked with finding some interesting information about a river on our planet.
We will be using Google Earth even more next week as we focus specifically on the River Thames (which we will certainly see when on our residential to London).
Well done, Year Four. Have a great weekend.
Mr. Prior