
Woodlouse Investigation

We have been deepening our understanding of habitats this week. We carried out an investigation into the preferred habitat for woodlice.

These were one of the mini beasts we found most of last week and the children were confidently able to talk about why they live where they do. They came up with reasons such as ‘birds can’t eat them if they’re under logs’, ‘they might get too hot in the sun’ and ‘maybe they can see in the dark’.

Our investigation was this. We had a plastic tray which was divided into four areas:

– Dry white paper

– Damp white paper

– Dry black paper

– Damp black paper

We collected some woodlice and placed them in the tray. Lots of predictions were made about which area they would choose to settle in. We left them alone for about 20mins and then observed which area they preferred. We found that the woodlice all preferred the damp, black paper.

The children have done some brilliant learning about habitats in the last couple of weeks. I think we definitely have a few budding scientists in here!

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