
Wye Valley Residential – Day 1

We have had a super day on Day 1 of our adventure to the Welsh border. We set off early and it was a long journey but our spirits were high and everyone was brilliant on the bus. Our hostel is in a very remote location down a very narrow drive so when we arrived we had to transfer all our luggage to a minibus and then walk through the woods to our hostel. We were very hungry by then so we had our lunch straightaway before getting on with our afternoon activities – orienteering and fencing. Orienteering was a real treat because our surroundings are so, so beautiful. We are right by the banks of the River Wye. Fencing was new to us all and we had some potential olympic fencers! Y5 took to it incredibly well and there were some really great matches.

By about 4.30 I could tell they were all flagging a bit so we packed up and headed inside to check into our rooms. This is ALWAYS the most exciting part of any residential and I’m pleased to say everyone was very happy with their rooms. After a bit of chill time and some unpacking we met up again in the lounge and went down for a delicious and very welcome dinner. Children were so polite and well behaved – I’m really impressed.

It was a bit drizzly after tea so we opted for some indoor activities – Image Hunter which the children loved and creating their own spy identity cards. After a few more games and some singing with Dan, it was time to go to bed. The end of a brilliant day.

Well done everyone!

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