
Wye Valley Residential – Day 2

It has been an AWESOME day (even though it started a little earlier than the grown-ups would have liked 😵‍💫😂)

After a very wet and rainy night, we woke up to a drizzly morning. Everyone tucked into a big breakfast and the rain had stopped by the time we set off through the woods to catch the bus to the canoe centre. We got kitted out in safety equipment and then jumped into the canoes for our basic training on how to control them. We played all kinds of games designed to test our skills in manoeuvring the canoes. This really tested our teamwork and listening skills. It was quite a long morning and children were ready for their packed lunch picnic.

Then, it was back into our team canoes for our main activity of the day – a 6 mile expedition down the River Wye. Team names were The Snowmans (?!), the Cookie Elmos and Big Bird. The first test was to negotiate the rapids. As Trip Leader I felt the weight of responsibility to check that the canoes were definitely robust enough to survive even if they ran aground and got stuck on the rocks! It was definitely deliberate that my team got wedged into a tight spot and had to be rescued. I promise it was deliberate – definitely not that my team weren’t listening to my instructions! 😆 After a very quick and refreshing wade through the river, we were off again and the rest of the afternoon went without a hitch. What a treat it was to drift down the river chatting, singing and sometimes just enjoying the silence! I was so impressed with the resilience and reciprocity shown this afternoon. The children were true Southill Primary 2%ers!

By the time we got back, our dinner was ready and then we enjoyed some fun campfire games and songs. Some children are currently enjoying the football match while others are showering and getting into their pyjamas or just chilling in their rooms.

It really has been a special day and I feel very lucky to have shared it with this class. We work hard to organise residentials and I know that parents work hard to ensure that their children are able to take part. Reflecting on a day like today it is easy to see why trips like this are so important. Children have persevered, overcome challenges, strengthened friendship bonds, reflected on their own strengths and the things they find challenging and tried many new experiences. It really has been wonderful to see.

Hope you enjoy looking at the photos.

Caroline 🛶


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