
Year 1 Star Readers!

Another half-term means more Star Reader prizes in Year 1. Always an exciting and much anticipated occasion, this was no exception. The chances of forgetting were very slim when greeted with, “is today the day?” and “my purple pen only ran out this morning, is it time for new prizes?” what great timing …

In line with our school policy, children who read every day at home receive a gold star at the end of each week. Those with 5 or more stars are rewarded with a certificate and special prize at the end of each term.

Well done to all our star readers, our highest number yet in Year 1. We appreciate that reading at home is not always easy, especially when we have busy evenings with often several after-school clubs. However, a minimum of 10-15 minutes (or just a few pages) is enough and please remember to record this in reading records. Children who read daily are more likely to achieve and therefore be successful through many areas in life, we see the results of this in class.

All scores are now reset.  Let’s see if we can make a new record next time too!


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