
Year 2: Day 1!

What a soggy day for the first day back!
After drying off, the children settled quickly into their new (rearranged) classroom. I’d already called them Year 1 by 9am, so being in Year 2 will take a little getting used to for all of us!

We began the day with deciding what we wanted Year 2 to be like. This class are great at coming up with ideas and suggested some really thoughtful things. This helped us create our Class Charter for the Year. We have agreed on the following promises:

We will…

– Be confident in ourselves. We can do hard things!

– Always use kind hands, feet and words.

– Make sure everyone is included.

– Be kind to everyone.

– Help each other.

– Listen to each other and be quiet when others are talking.

After lunch, we quickly touched on the first topic this year, which is a science unit called ‘Living things and their habitats’.

For the last part of the day, we had a story and some of the children chose to hang out in our new book nook.

It was so lovely to see all the children back with big smiles on their faces this morning.

I feel like a lucky teacher to have such a great cohort of children for the second year in a row.

3 comments on “Year 2: Day 1!

  1. Emily Garratt says:

    Clara-May had a brilliant first day back. Thank you

  2. Orla enjoyed her first day back and is really happy she has the same teachers for another year.

  3. Justine Bell says:

    Aria is so pleased to be back with you both again for Year 2. A brilliant first week, thank you!

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