
Year 4 Rounders Tournament Winners!

Year 4 Rounders Tournament Winners!


This afternoon, 10 children from Year 4 were selected to participate in a rounders tournament at Budmouth Academy. Southill faced 4 other primary schools in Weymouth and Portland. They were:



St Augustines




The children batted with real confidence and worked so strongly as a team when fielding. They supported and cheered each other on and communicated effectively before, during and after each match. In fact, they were so good that they did not lose a single game! This meant that Southill were crowned the ‘Year 4 Area Rounders Winners’ and received a trophy and certificates for their efforts.

It was such an incredible afternoon of sport. The children were chosen based on their attitude and effort last half term during our rounders PE lessons and they demonstrated this in abundance this afternoon. I am extremely proud of each and every one of them. Another trophy to add to the cabinet!!

A huge thank you to the parents who helped transport the children safely over the Budmouth, thanks to Jo Ray and the Budmouth sports leaders for organising such a great event and a huge thank you to the children for being an absolute joy to coach all afternoon.


Tom Prior




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