
‘Year 4’ Tag Rugby Festival

‘Year 4’ Tag Rugby Festival


Whoops. A little miscommunication resulted in our Year Four team facing teams from Year 6. Did that intimidate us? Not a chance…


At the festival, the children had the opportunity to play seven matches and the standard of rugby improved every single game. The resilience, reciprocity and determination on show filled me with pride. Last minute tackles, tremendous tries and sprinting with the ball faster than Sonic drinking Red Bull. We even drew and won a game despite player taller and older opposition!


The children were absolutely outstanding all day and they could not have represented Southill School better if they ‘TRY’ed.


A thoroughly enjoyable competition. Well done, Year 4!


Mr. Prior


3 comments on “‘Year 4’ Tag Rugby Festival

  1. Vicki Potts says:

    Fantastic effort by Southill, they all had so much fun.

  2. That looks really fun

  3. Well done Team Southill! You look like you had a great day!

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