
Year 4’s Exciting First Days Back at School

The first two days back at school are always special, full of anticipation and excitement. For our Year 4 class, these first days were packed with fun, connection, and learning—even though the weather was a little wet! Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to so far.

Starting With Peg Labels
We began our first day with a simple but important task—creating peg labels. Each child decorated their own label to mark their place in the classroom. This not only helps keep our space organised but also gives each child a sense of ownership and belonging from the moment they step inside.

“All About Me” Art Activity
Next, we got stuck into an “All About Me” art activity. This is always a favourite because it allows each child to express their individuality while recognising that we are all part of a bigger team. Each student created a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that represents who they are, what they love, and what makes them unique. We will display this in the classroom to remind us that, while we’re all different, we work together as one class community.

Learning About Our School (From the Experts!)
Since I’m new to the school this year, the children had a very special task: teaching me all about what makes our school so unique! They prepared thoughtful presentations that highlighted key areas of the school, important traditions, and their favourite parts of being here. The children then turned this work into a letter to me on Friday to show me what they are capable of! It was a wonderful way for me to learn directly from them, and their pride in our school truly shone through. I feel very lucky to be part of such a caring and vibrant community.

Establishing Our Class Charter
A key part of building our classroom community is setting expectations together. That’s where our class charter comes in. Over the two days, the children took part in creating a list of rules and values that will guide us throughout the year. This collaborative process helps everyone understand their role in maintaining a positive and respectful environment, and it sets the tone for a successful year ahead.

Introducing ‘Votes for Schools’
We also introduced a new and exciting resource: Votes for Schools. This week, the children were asked to think about a very relevant question: “Were you proud of your community this summer?” After discussing what community means and reflecting on their experiences, they had the opportunity to vote on the topic. This not only engages them in current affairs but also encourages critical thinking and respectful debate.

Diving Into Maths and Science
In addition to our creative and community-building activities, we also started our first units in maths and science. For maths, we began exploring place value, helping the children strengthen their understanding of numbers and how they work. In science, we introduced our unit on Living Things and Their Habitats, where the students will learn about different ecosystems and the amazing ways living creatures adapt to their environments.

Reflecting on a Great Start
Despite the rain, we’ve had a fantastic first two days. They’ve been full of creativity, teamwork, and learning, and I’m excited to see how this positive energy carries through the year. I’m proud of how our Year 4s have already begun to work together, and I can’t wait to see what they’ll achieve in the coming months!

Here’s to a successful and rewarding year ahead!


2 comments on “Year 4’s Exciting First Days Back at School

  1. Lucy Desmond - Weeks says:

    Thank you for a great first couple of days. Ostin has been so chatty about what they’ve been up to, coming from my less chatty child this has been lovely. Welcome to southill and thank you Mr Ryan !!

  2. What a great start year 4👏 😁

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