
Year 6’s Summer Sports Club

Year 6’s Summer Sports Club


This afternoon, Year 6’s were invited to attend a Summer Sports Club for the final four weeks of the year. This afternoon, we focused on the sport Volleyball.

The weather was perfect! It almost felt as if we were playing Volleyball on Weymouth beach. We began by brushing up on our dig and set. The children then tried to rally over the net to one another in order to keep the ball up in the air for as long as possible. We then played a game of ghost which required children to confidently return a thrown ball over the net so that it sailed over the net and landed on the other side of the playing area. However, if a ghost (stood on the opposite side) caught it then the ghost would rejoin the game and the receiver would be out. This was a lot of fun and it was great seeing the children return the ball over the net with real confidence.

We concluded with some official games of volleyball. Children had to work together in order to return the ball over the net and would only earn a point if they were the team who served. It was a great way to start our club and the children were phenomenal.

A huge thank you to my glamorous assistants…Hayley Savage and Emily Jones who very kindly offered to help run the session. The children had a lot of fun indeed!


One comment on “Year 6’s Summer Sports Club

  1. Thank you Tom! I love the new summer sports club!🏐

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