
You will BEE missed, Year 3!

Where do I even start, Year 3?! What a year we’ve had together. You truly are such an amazing bunch of mini humans and I am going to miss teaching you all very much.

Thank you ALL for your hard work, humour and happy faces this year – I’ve had a blast!

Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to all of  your families’ continued support throughout the year and of course for my extremely thoughtful gifts, cards and kind words – they are so very appreciated.

Have the most wonderful summer all of you and take care,

Bethan 🙂


Hi Year 3,

I’ve had a fab year with you all – thank you so much for my lovely cards and gifts. 

I hope you all have a brilliant summer break. 

See you in September!

Mrs Walkinshaw x

One comment on “You will BEE missed, Year 3!

  1. Sophie and Jonny Murray says:

    A huge thank you Bethan and Mrs Walkinshaw for all you’ve done for George this year. He has thoroughly enjoyed the year and has made progress in so many ways because of the opportunities and environment you’ve created. We are extremely grateful and hope you both have a wonderful summer. We will miss you next year Bethan but wish you all the best.

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