
Little Red Riding Hood joins year 3!

It has been a fun filled week in year 3! At the start of the week the children had the gate to the school opened by Little Red Riding Hood, who was even carrying a basket of food for her poorly grandmother.  Later on the children in year 3 took on the roles of the characters in our warning story.  They did a wonderful job of acting out each part and say their lines with clarity and confidence.
This week we have continued our maths unit on place value and the children now how a TTRS login at the back of their new reading record.  They can access the site at home but we will also be using it at school.
Science has been looking at the human skeleton and how it protects and supports humans to move. We also did an investigation into whether longs legs mean that you can jump further.  The children used a metre rule to measure each other and then worked together to measure their jumps. We found out that longer legs do not mean that you can jump further.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

2 comments on “Little Red Riding Hood joins year 3!

  1. Arthur is really enjoying being in Year 3! Thank you Andrea😊

  2. What a fun start to the term – couldn’t stop laughing a my child as ‘grandma’!!

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