Home Learning

3rd April

Welcome to Funny Friday!

Why not start the day off with some singing? Find the song for today – don’t forget to look at the suggested activities linked to the song. Today the song is about a spring chicken!


For an extra challenge – here are 2 photos of chickens from Mrs Kench. Why not write a sentence to match the pictures – an example could be The hen is on a box. 

Theme for today: I have chosen another 2-syllable word to finish our phonics focus this week. The word for today is bedroom. Read and write the word together then try these challenges.

Challenge 1: Create a bedroom scene for one/some of your toys at home.

Challenge 2: Make a list of 4 or 5 things you can see in this bedroom picture – sound out the word yourself, using your sound board e.g. torch, bed, cot….

Challenge 3: Draw a picture of your bedroom or design an imaginary bedroom.

Challenge 4: It’s Tidy Friday so tidy your room today.


Maths: It’s day 5 of the White Rose Maths tasks. It looks like a dotty game today!


Reading: One more comic to read this week – happy reading. Maybe you could create your own bright fish for the comic. Look out for digraphs and trigraphs!


Maybe you could draw your own ‘fishy’ scene and label things in your picture e.g. shell, fish, shark, weed, boat..

Have a great day.

I will be creating a new post for some ideas for activities over the 2-week Easter break. Keep a look out.

Mrs Puddick