
Cracking Bits of Writing, Gromit!

Cracking Bits of Writing, Gromit!


This half term, the children are learning how to write an impressive and authentic explanation text. Today, we decided to look towards Wallace and Gromit for inspiration as we thoroughly enjoyed watching some of their awesome ‘Cracking Contraptions’ episodes. We have been developing the children’s ability to use cause and effect language and technical vocabulary in order to sound professional and explain how things work in depth. The children had the choice of explaining how one of the following contraptions work:


  • The Bed Launcher
  • Shopper 13
  • The Gyro Brolley
  • The Auto Dresser


I must say, I was overjoyed with the quality of work produced by the children. They packed their work with the writing tools we have been working on and were all very enthusiastic about writing which was a joy to behold. Well done, Year 4!


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